Only a few more weeks until the Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn Volume One will be on shelves!

Only a few more weeks until the Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn Volume One will be on shelves!

Wow, the day has finally arrived. Eight years after “The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn” launched on Line Webtoon, the comic finally exists in print!

A couple weeks ago, I came home to find a large and unremarkable cardboard box waiting on my front porch. This is not an unusual occurrence for me, I’m regularly ordering random bits of odds and ends off the internet. When I tore open the box, I was expecting to find a stack of retro Japanese video games but instead found myself staring at the cover for “The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn Volume One”

A friend asked me recently whether I was excited for the imminent release of the book and to tell you the truth, even now when I can hold it in my hands, I still don’t really know how to answer that. I’m often guilty of not being able to enjoy the moment because my brain often tells me to worry about the next thing (currently I’m fretting over nobody buying the book because of my terrible marketing skills).

Still, when I hold the book in my hands and can feel its weight, it’s a reminder to myself that I did the work. Every page is a mental snapshot of my life at the moment I drew it. I recall where I was, what I was doing, who was in my life and how I was feeling. For me, the book is an artifact of a rare moment in time when I can honestly say I threw everything I was capable of at trying to accomplish something I didn’t really know how to do back then.

I guess all this is just a very long winded way to say that I’m very proud of “The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn” and beyond pleased to finally see it in book form. I know a lot of you have been waiting patiently for this book as well, and for that I can only thank you from the bottom of my heart for your patience and support. I know you’ve been waiting many years!

Thankfully the wait won’t be for much longer because The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn Volume One will be available in both hardcover and softcover on September 10th, 2024. You can pre-order your copy here!

Cutthroat: A Comics Anthology

Speaking of books, I also wanted to give a shout out to Cutthroat, a cool comics anthology project running on kickstarter.

The project is put together by some talented friends in the local Toronto comics scene and looks to feature some killer art and fun stories. Who doesn’t love badass ladies with swords?

Please take a look and consider pledging some support for a group of talented independent creators!

That’s it for now, hope you all have a wonderful week.
