Oscar Zahn Book Launch, Give Aways, and Early Reviews!

Oscar Zahn Book Launch, Give Aways, and Early Reviews!
See you there!

Hey everyone, I just had a few quick (but exciting) Oscar Zahn announcements that I wanted to share with you all.

First, "The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn" Volume One will have its book launch at Little Ghost Books on September 14th, 2024 at 1PM. Little Ghost Books is an awesome local book shop on the west side of Toronto that specializes in all things creepy and spooky. In short, it's the perfect place to start the next chapter of Oscar's journey! I'll be there chatting about all things Oscar Zahn and signing some books so if you're in the area, please come by and say hi!

Win a copy of this bad boy.

Win a free copy of "The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn Volume One"

In other exciting news, Penguin Random House has teamed up with the fine folks at GoodReads to give away twenty copies of "The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn". All you have to do to get a chance at winning a book is to sign up at this link. The contest runs from August 25th to September 9th. Good luck!

Early Reviews

We're still a few weeks away from the launch of the book but some positive early reviews are already starting to come in! Here's a few:

The Great Book Wyrm review.

Geek Girl Authority review.

Starred Review on Booklist.

And finally, a nice little blurb on Publishers Weekly.

It's always a little nerve wracking to put your work out there, but exciting (and reassuring) to see that the reception has been positive so far. Let's hope the positive reviews keep coming.

Thats it for this week! I know I usually don't put out a newsletter every week but I appreciate you taking the time to read it.

