Oscar Zahn Book Launch

Oscar Zahn Book Launch
Wow, an actual line up for the signing. I never would have imagined!

The Stranges Tales of Oscar Zahn” launched this past Saturday and I’m pleased to say it was a smashing success! I wanted to take a moment and thank all the friends, family, and fans who stopped by to support the book (and me!). Special thanks goes to Adam Santangelo for being a wonderful moderator and giving form and structure to what could have been a chaotic afternoon. The biggest of hugs goes to Chris and all the wonderful folks at Little Ghosts book store for hosting the book launch and making it all possible.

I was actually quite nervous before the launch of the book and there were a few sleepless nights that week where my mind was just spinning with worry. I already have several books published so you’d think I’d be more used to it by now, but this one felt different. Perhaps it’s because “The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn” was my first project and it’s been almost a ten year journey to get this book out. What was at stake probably felt outsized in the middle of the night.

I had this doomsday scenario playing in my head where only a single person would show up for the launch and that poor soul would be forced to listen to my talk out of politeness.

Well thankfully that didn’t happen.

People started filtering into the store at around 1PM and once we had a decent size of around ten people, I thought that would probably be about it and didn’t want to keep people waiting. We had a pleasant little conversation about the creation of the book, completely forgot about the Q+A segment, and got straight to the signing so we wouldn’t keep people standing around for too long on a beautiful Saturday afternoon.

Turns out this is the face I make while listening to somebody speak about my accomplishments.

Funny thing happened when I started the signing. The line up kept on getting longer as more people kept coming in. Halfway through, it became apparent that there would not be enough books for everyone (which I felt horrible about) but Little Ghosts will be re-ordering more books and I’ll make sure to sign everything they re-order.

I had a really great time meeting everyone and appreciated every conversation I managed to have everybody that stopped by. In the end, the event exceeded my highest expectations and this new start for Oscar Zahn could not possibly have gone on any better.

Thank you to everyone that came out, your support meant the world to me. Love you all! Hope to even more of you wonderful people at future events!

And now on to Volume Two of “The Strange Tales of Oscar Zahn”!
